

农学院 & 生命科学

E. J. 农业科学实验室,52室




电子邮件: ag@bobbyingano.com



CALS students gain valuable hands-on experience during summer internship

Abigail 白色 and Virginia Monk took a hands-on approach to learning the ranching lifestyle and trade during summer 2020.

They spent 10 weeks interning at the University of Idaho’s Nancy M. Cummings 研究, 扩展 and Education Center near Salmon. The cow-calf operation and forage research station extends 1,100 acres along the Salmon River and offers educational opportunities for U of I 农业与生命科学学院 students and others involved in the livestock industry.

The internship focused primarily on ranch management and forage research. 每一天, 白色 and Monk looked after the Idaho Cattle Association’s stocker steers that are raised for the Grass Futurity Competition — an annual event in which cattle producers in the state donate a steer to the association. The steers are grazed from May through September and individuals who donated the top gainers receive prizes.

白色 and Monk also helped with other cattle management responsibilities, 包括怀孕检查和血样采集, 并协助处理牧场的日常事务, such as putting out minerals for cattle and moving irrigation.

除了, 白色 and Monk helped conduct forage research by collecting, 干燥和称重样品, 灌溉试验田.

“It was amazing to learn how valuable research is to the agriculture industry,” Monk said. “I knew it was important, but we really got to see and understand its value being involved.”

白色, a junior in CALS who moved from Seattle to 莫斯科 to pursue her bachelor’s degree in animal and veterinary science: production option, decided to apply for the internship because she wanted experience working with cattle and was curious about research.

“I learned that I definitely want to work with cattle in the future,” 白色 said. “我们几乎参与了农场的所有事情, so I feel prepared to take on a variety of different roles.”

Monk, a junior in CALS studying agricultural education, grew up in Genesee. She spent time on her grandfather’s crop operation in Uniontown and studied forages in FFA, 但与怀特相似, applied for the internship because she wanted to gain experience in ranch management.

白色 and Monk enjoyed working together and problem-solving as a team.

“We sometimes had very different approaches to tasks and problems we faced,” Monk said. “It worked out because we really balanced each other well and learned from each other’s perspectives.”

The duo values the time they spent working with and learning from experts at the ranch.

“My favorite part was the community that I was able to immerse myself into,” 白色 said. “It was an amazing experience and I am grateful to have met and learned from everyone at the ranch.”

约翰霍尔, 中心主管, said both 白色 and Monk had an inquisitive nature and embraced every opportunity to learn.

“They both had super attitudes and an incredible work ethic,” Hall said. “Sometimes I even had to tell them, ‘Hey, you need to take a little time off.’”

实习 are offered at the center every spring and summer. The spring internship focuses primarily on cattle management, whereas the summer internship focuses more on forage research. The internship assignments are often tailored toward student interests.

Hall said he looks to fill the internship positions with upperclassman who are interested and enthusiastic about the opportunity to gain real-world experience. 有动物科学背景的学生, range science or agricultural education typically benefit more from the internships because the hands-on work reinforces their classroom learning.

To apply for the spring internship, students should submit an application to Hall via email at jbhall@bobbyingano.com. Applications should include a letter of interest explaining why the student is interested in the position and how they think it will benefit their education and future career, 简历和成绩单的非正式副本.

Article by Jean Parrella, 农业与生命科学学院
Photos by Joe Pallen, University 通信 and Marketing

Virginia Monk is studying agricultural education and applied for the NMCREEC internship to gain experience in ranch management.
A young woman wearing a hat, holding flowers in a field.
Abigail 白色 is studying AVS: Production and applied for the NMCREEC internship to gain experience working with cattle.


农学院 & 生命科学

E. J. 农业科学实验室,52室




电子邮件: ag@bobbyingano.com
