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Contact Us

Emily Tuschhoff, MS, CHES

Physical Address:
1000 Paradise Creek St.
Moscow, ID 83844

Mailing Address:
875 Perimeter Drive MS 1230
Moscow, Idaho 83844-1230

Phone: 208-885-4146


Rec Center

Amanda Ferstead, MPH, MA, MS, CHES

Physical Address:
1000 Paradise Creek St.
Moscow, ID 83844

Mailing Address:
875 Perimeter Drive MS 1230
Moscow, Idaho 83844-1230

Phone: 208-885-1539


Jeneba Hoene

Physical Address:
1000 Paradise Creek St.
Moscow, ID 83844

Mailing Address:
875 Perimeter Drive MS 1230
Moscow, Idaho 83844-1230

Phone: 208-885-2039


Rec Center

Student Recreation Center Room 102

Physical Address:
1000 Paradise Creek Street
Moscow, Idaho 83844-1230

Mailing Address:
875 Perimeter Drive
Moscow, Idaho 83844-1230

Phone: 208-885-4104


Well Space

Sexually Transmitted Infections

性传播感染(STIs)是通过精液等体液的交换传播的感染, blood, vaginal secretions or saliva.

STIs can be transmitted without having sexual intercourse一些是通过体液交换,一些是通过皮肤接触. 如果你性活跃,定期进行性传播感染检测是很重要的. 许多感染没有任何症状,可能导致长期问题, including infertility and cancer.

四分之一的大学生患有性传播感染,但他们往往没有意识到感染. 有些性传播感染在感染几个月后才会出现症状——这是定期进行检测的另一个原因.

Get Tested

STI testing and screening is available through the Vandal Health Clinic.

没有一个单一的测试可以检查所有的性传播感染,所以可能需要进行几个测试. Some STIs may be detected through blood, urine or saliva samples. 其他可能只能从阴道、阴茎、直肠或开放性溃疡收集的液体中检测到. It is important to discuss with your doctor what tests you may need.

HIV Testing


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Types of STIs

细菌性阴道病(BV)是阴道细菌正常平衡被改变的一种情况. 所有女性都容易感染细菌性阴道炎,但往往不知道,因为它并不总是表现出症状.


  • Itching
  • Burning
  • Discharge
  • Odor
  • Pain

Testing & Treatment
细菌性阴道炎是通过观察阴道分泌液样本并检查细菌来检测的. 它可以很容易地由医生治疗,以避免进一步的并发症.

The most common STI in the U.S., chlamydia is spread through bacteria.

Symptoms are usually mild or not present, but there are many potential long-term effects, including infertility and pelvic inflammatory disease, 女性可能面临宫外孕和生殖器官受损的风险增加.

Symptoms in Women

  • Burning while urinating
  • Abnormal discharge
  • Lower back/abdomen pain
  • Irregular bleeding

Symptoms in Men

  • Burning while urinating
  • Discharge from the penis

Testing & Treatment
检测程序包括尿检或从子宫颈或阴茎取样本. If detected, chlamydia is easily treated and cured with antibiotics.

Herpes is transmitted by viruses known as Herpes Simplex 1 and 2.

It is spread when the virus is released by open sores. 单纯疱疹1型可引起生殖器疱疹,但更常引起唇疱疹. Simplex 2 is typically the virus behind genital herpes.


  • 生殖器部位出现疼痛的水泡状溃疡
  • Flu-like symptoms
  • Secondary outbreaks

Outbreaks usually occur four to five times a year, but over time the frequency of outbreaks decreases.

Testing & Treatment
疱疹是通过检测溃疡的样本或血液测试来诊断的. There is no cure for herpes, 但有抗病毒药物可以帮助预防和缩短爆发时间.

淋病通过细菌传播,可以在任何温暖潮湿的地方生长, like the cervix or throat.

Symptoms are often mild if they appear at all. Many women mistake symptoms for a bladder infection.

Symptoms in Men

  • Burning sensations while urinating
  • White, yellow or green discharge from the penis
  • Swollen testicles

Symptoms in Women

  • Pain or burning during urination
  • Increased vaginal discharge
  • Bleeding between periods

Long-term effects may include pelvic inflammatory disease, internal cysts and increased risk of ectopic pregnancy. 如果不及时治疗,它会扩散到血液和关节,这是危及生命的.

Testing & Treatment



  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Loss of appetite
  • Diarrhea
  • Dark-colored urine
  • Light-colored stools
  • Yellowed skin or whites of eyes
  • Extreme fatigue
  • Low fever

About half of infected individuals don’t know they have hepatitis, 10%的人成为携带者,可以在没有实际症状或影响的情况下传播病毒.


Testing & Treatment
肝炎是通过血液检测来诊断的,但目前还没有具体的治疗方法. 高蛋白饮食和充足的睡眠有助于肝脏自我修复. 在恢复过程中,必须避免酒精和其他在肝脏中代谢的东西. A preventative vaccine is available.

人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)是导致获得性免疫缺陷综合症(AIDS)的病毒。, passing from one person to another by contact through blood, 性接触或母亲与婴儿在分娩或母乳喂养.

HIV and AIDS can be diagnosed through blood testing, treatments and drugs exist to help slow the progression of HIV, but there is not a cure.

Symptoms of HIV

  • Fever
  • Headaches
  • Fatigue
  • Enlarged lymph nodes
  • Flu-like symptoms

Symptoms of AIDS

  • Rapid weight loss
  • Cough
  • Fever
  • Fatigue
  • Swollen glands
  • Easy bruising
  • White spots on the tongue, mouth or throat
  • Chronic yeast infection
  • Pneumonia
  • Numbness in hands and feet
  • Loss of muscle control/paralysis
  • Memory loss
  • Depression
  • Other neurological complications

Testing & Treatment
HIV and AIDS can be diagnosed through blood testing. 现有的治疗方法和药物可以帮助减缓艾滋病毒的发展,但目前还没有治愈方法.

HPV是一种通过性接触导致生殖器疣的病毒. It can also cause warts in the mouth and throat. 即使感染者没有任何体征或症状,病毒也可以传播.

There are many different strains of HPV, but most people who contract it won’t develop signs and symptoms. Some strains cause genital warts in males and females, and these can lead to cervical cancer in women.

Testing & Treatment
There is currently no standard set for HPV screening, 但对女性来说,每年进行妇科检查和每两年进行一次巴氏涂片检查以监测细胞变化是很重要的.

There is no way to directly treat the virus, but there are treatments available to control the complications. Warts can be treated with medication or removed, abnormal cervical cells can treated before they become cancerous, and cervical cancer is treatable if caught early.

当来自性传播感染(如淋病和衣原体)的细菌未经治疗而进入子宫颈时,盆腔炎就会发生在女性身上, uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries, causing an infection.

它的特点是下腹疼痛,并可导致这些区域的组织损伤, causing complications like increased risk for ectopic pregnancy, development of abscesses or infertility.

Testing & Treatment
PID may be hard to diagnose because symptoms are mild or unnoticed, and there is no specific test for this condition. 一些可以帮助医疗保健提供者检测PID的指标是过去的衣原体和淋病感染, and a physical pelvic exam. Once diagnosed, PID can be cured with antibiotics, but these cannot treat tissue damage that has occurred.


细菌通过直接接触梅毒疮而传播, mainly through sexual contact in the genital area, but sores can also develop on the mouth.


  • Sores
  • Rashes
  • Spots on the hands and feet (can be faint and difficult to see)

If the infection progresses without treatment, it can lead to complications such as organ and nerve damage, and can eventually lead to dementia, paralysis, blindness and even death.

Testing & Treatment
梅毒可以通过检测溃疡的样本或血液检测来诊断. 如果早期发现,可以通过注射青霉素或一系列抗生素来治疗.

滴虫病是一种寄生虫,在男性和女性中引起感染和各种症状. It is often hard to detect.

这种寄生虫通过性接触从感染者身上传播. 与其他一些性传播感染不同,它不太可能感染口腔、喉咙或肛门.

Symptoms in Men

  • Itching and irritation inside the penis
  • Burning after ejaculation
  • Discharge in men

Symptoms in Women

  • Burning
  • Redness or soreness of the genital area
  • Uncomfortable urination
  • Unusual discharge

If the infection progresses without treatment, it can lead to complications such as organ and nerve damage, and can eventually lead to dementia, paralysis, blindness and even death.

Testing & Treatment
Diagnosing trich, with its inconsistent symptoms, 需要对男性尿道和女性阴道的液体样本进行实验室研究. 特里希可以用抗生素治疗,通常一次剂量就能清除.

Contact Us

Emily Tuschhoff, MS, CHES

Physical Address:
1000 Paradise Creek St.
Moscow, ID 83844

Mailing Address:
875 Perimeter Drive MS 1230
Moscow, Idaho 83844-1230

Phone: 208-885-4146


Rec Center

Amanda Ferstead, MPH, MA, MS, CHES

Physical Address:
1000 Paradise Creek St.
Moscow, ID 83844

Mailing Address:
875 Perimeter Drive MS 1230
Moscow, Idaho 83844-1230

Phone: 208-885-1539


Jeneba Hoene

Physical Address:
1000 Paradise Creek St.
Moscow, ID 83844

Mailing Address:
875 Perimeter Drive MS 1230
Moscow, Idaho 83844-1230

Phone: 208-885-2039


Rec Center

Student Recreation Center Room 102

Physical Address:
1000 Paradise Creek Street
Moscow, Idaho 83844-1230

Mailing Address:
875 Perimeter Drive
Moscow, Idaho 83844-1230

Phone: 208-885-4104


Well Space