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Emily Tuschhoff, MS, CHES

Physical Address:
1000 Paradise Creek St.
Moscow, ID 83844

Mailing Address:
875 Perimeter Drive MS 1230
Moscow, Idaho 83844-1230

Phone: 208-885-4146



Amanda Ferstead, MPH, MA, MS, CHES

Physical Address:
1000 Paradise Creek St.
Moscow, ID 83844

Mailing Address:
875 Perimeter Drive MS 1230
Moscow, Idaho 83844-1230

Phone: 208-885-1539


Jeneba Hoene

Physical Address:
1000 Paradise Creek St.
Moscow, ID 83844

Mailing Address:
875 Perimeter Drive MS 1230
Moscow, Idaho 83844-1230

Phone: 208-885-2039



Student Recreation Center Room 102

Physical Address:
1000 Paradise Creek Street
Moscow, Idaho 83844-1230

Mailing Address:
875 Perimeter Drive
Moscow, Idaho 83844-1230

Phone: 208-885-4104



The Great Eight

下面是帮助你获得更好睡眠的8个策略. 关注这些小的改变可以在睡眠质量和睡眠时间方面带来巨大的回报.

Tips and Tricks to Enhance Sleep 健康

  • 保持规律的作息时间——即使是在周末、节假日和不正常的休息日.
  • 每天在同一时间睡觉和起床.
  • 睡眠时间表的一致性加强了你身体的睡眠-觉醒周期,有助于促进更好的睡眠. 

  • Avoid eating within 2-3 hours of your planned bedtime. This will give the body time to digest. 
  • 然而,睡觉时太饿会让你感觉不舒服,所以一定要吃晚饭.
  • 咖啡因能唤醒身体,并在摄入后5小时内对身体产生影响. 临睡前摄入咖啡因会扰乱入睡能力. 
  • 酒精 may cause sleepiness at first, 但会对后期睡眠质量产生负面影响. 酒精 can be disruptive to sleep waves, 并缩短大脑在快速眼动睡眠中的时间. Additionally, 尼古丁最初可能会使人清醒, 但效果并不持久,而且会让身体感觉比以前更累.
  • 要了解更多关于营养和养成饮食习惯以改善睡眠的知识,请访问我们的 campus dietitian.

  • 每晚睡前做同样的事情可以让你的身体养成准备睡觉的习惯. 
  • Routines vary depending on the individual. Ideas for pre-bedtime activities include, but are not limited to, having some decaffeinated tea, putting on pajamas, brushing teeth, washing face, writing in a journal, 洗个澡或淋浴,列出第二天要做的事情. 
  • Limit screen time as much as possible before bed. The blue light from phones, televisions, 电脑和平板电脑通过打断自然褪黑激素的过程来保持大脑清醒.  
  • Try to use your bed primarily for sleep. If we do homework or hang-out on our bed, 到了睡觉时间,我们的身体不会把它当作睡觉的地方.
  • If you go to bed and feel restless, 入睡需要超过15-20分钟的时间, your body may not be ready for rest. 起床做一些放松的事情,直到你觉得有点困,然后再试一次.

  • While naps can be beneficial, 重要的是要知道你午睡的时间长短会对你清醒的时间产生积极或消极的影响.
  • A 10-20 minute nap is ideal for a quick energy boost, increased alertness, 改善认知功能,让你感觉平静.
  • 超过30分钟的午睡比更短的午睡能提供更少的能量, 并可能导致醒来时感到昏昏沉沉. 
  • 60分钟的小睡也会导致醒来时的昏昏沉沉. 然而,这种长度的午睡可以改善记忆力.

  • 经常锻炼有助于身体感到疲惫,准备好休息.
  • Aim to exercise at least three hours before bed time. 睡前锻炼不能给身体足够的时间进入“休息和消化”的放松状态. 

  • 随着压力水平的增加,睡眠的数量和质量会下降.
  • 睡眠本身是对抗压力影响的好方法,然而,压力使睡眠困难.
  • To help manage stress, and ultimately improve sleep, 花时间保持定期锻炼和良好的营养, practice various relaxation techniques, take a yoga class, focus on time-management, avoid drugs and alcohol, and talk to someone you trust.
  • 咨询和心理健康中心可以帮助学生制定压力管理计划. Schedule an appointment »

  • 创造一个能增强自然光的睡眠环境. 自然光允许身体管理褪黑激素和昼夜节律过程. The optimal environment for sleep is:
    • 凉爽——最佳的室温是华氏68度. 在较低的温度下,人体睡眠质量更好. 如果你住在不能调节温度的房子或宿舍里, open a window to allow more cool air to circulate.
    • 黑暗——黑暗的房间能保证褪黑激素的产生. 眼罩可以帮助阻挡来自室友或外界光线的光线.
    • 安静——一个安静的房间对于让身体不受干扰地入睡至关重要. 当你试图入睡时,与大声喧哗或说话的室友或家庭成员交谈. 在嘈杂的房间、公寓或宿舍里,耳塞可以帮助掩盖声音.
    • 舒适——弄一张舒适的床,这样你就不用经常辗转反侧了. 
    • 清洁-保持房间清洁,没有刺激物和过敏原. 
  • 找到一个适合你的睡眠环境,同时记住上面的建议. 

  • Melatonin is a naturally produced hormone in the body. S对褪黑素有效性的研究表明,它可以减少身体入睡所需的时间. 结果显示,随着时间的推移,与安慰剂药片相比,改善睡眠质量或睡眠时间的好处非常有限. 然而, 补充褪黑激素在时差和倒班工作的情况下,可以非常有效地帮助重置身体的自然昼夜节律.
  • Other artificial sleep aids should be avoided, 因为它们会扰乱人体的自然睡眠能力. 
  • 眼罩和耳塞可以阻挡噪音和多余的光线,帮助身体做好入睡的准备.


Emily Tuschhoff, MS, CHES

Physical Address:
1000 Paradise Creek St.
Moscow, ID 83844

Mailing Address:
875 Perimeter Drive MS 1230
Moscow, Idaho 83844-1230

Phone: 208-885-4146



Amanda Ferstead, MPH, MA, MS, CHES

Physical Address:
1000 Paradise Creek St.
Moscow, ID 83844

Mailing Address:
875 Perimeter Drive MS 1230
Moscow, Idaho 83844-1230

Phone: 208-885-1539


Jeneba Hoene

Physical Address:
1000 Paradise Creek St.
Moscow, ID 83844

Mailing Address:
875 Perimeter Drive MS 1230
Moscow, Idaho 83844-1230

Phone: 208-885-2039



Student Recreation Center Room 102

Physical Address:
1000 Paradise Creek Street
Moscow, Idaho 83844-1230

Mailing Address:
875 Perimeter Drive
Moscow, Idaho 83844-1230

Phone: 208-885-4104

